I can’t believe this summer has come to an end. It seems like it just started. It’s always like this with summer recall. I came to our home in Italy by the sea, first with my darling husband, we spent time here alone before we greeted a deluge of guests, ready to partake in my Italian summer experience. 12 people in all, 13 if you count my son (although he’s hardly a guest). We had so many guests this year I decided to give out awards, so here you go ladies and gentlemen...
1.Karen and Joe: "Best Story Tellers Ever”2.Wendy and Scott: "Best Travel Partners and Shopping in Crime partners, Ever “3.Tamara and Thomas: "Best City Explorers”4.Jenn and Tim: "Best Travelers on the Fly”5.Keen and Kim: "Best Underwater Adventure Team”6. Will and Tobi: "Most Cheeky Monkeys”
We loved having everyone, getting to know some of you much better and reconnecting with some of you after many years. Thanks for coming, I hope you all had a fun experience here in my little piece of heaven.Of course the best part of my trip as always was spending time with my wonderful husband and this year’s best treat was that my son Levi, who is off to UT Austin this year, was here with me. He gets the award for “Best Son”. And of course my Husband gets The “Thanks for Putting up with my Crazy” Award and my Daughter Alex, gets the "Thanks for holding the fort down in the U.S.” Award!This summer I worked on my book in between guests (it’s due out next fall). I find this place truly inspiring. Now on to more adventures stateside as I will be fully entrenched in the productionand further writing/editing of my book this fall. Stay tuned for behind the scenes, as I (and my fantastic team) put it all together.Also, watch me on the
Today Show September 6th in the 9:00 a.m. hour. More on that to come... Hope you all enjoyed my
posts from here and they inspired you as much as my time here every summer inspires me.Thanks to all my dear friends here in Italy that take such good care of me: Leo, Elizabeth, Forrest, Roberto, and Veronica! Love you guys.
Ciao, Ci Vediamo a presto! Bacione. XO