Tear Sheet Monday- the most organized kitchen plan ever
In this month's KITCHEN + BATH IDEAS "The Storage Issue" (January 2014), there's a kitchen I styled that I think all of you need to see. Since organizing is on tap this month I will try to post ideas that you can relate to, emulate and be inspired by.I got the shot list from this publication like I always do to start off the production process and my first impression was that it was a beautiful remodel. Little did I know it would be the most organized kitchen plan I have styled to date. In other words... "Heaven!"We had a great time working on this photo shoot. There were so many things to feature that I think we took over 35 photos in a 2 day time span (that's a ton BTW). Good thing I was working with the amazing Emily Followill, she knocked it out of the park.Just to illustrate the extreme propping for this organizing story below are some of the props we brought to style up this feature. Normally we bring lots of props but this shoot was over the top! My assistant and I (sweet Emily) had a great time tricking out this super functional kitchen!
Pick up a copy of the January issue of KITCHEN + BATH IDEAS on newsstands now and get the full scoop. Here are a few of the highlights. Keep in mind this was a small kitchen in a quaint bungalow, a "Compact Classic" if you will. This proves that if you have a well thought out plan, lack of space is no excuse for an unorganized kitchen. I call this kitchen project "a place for everything and everything in it's place."
Let me know what you think! Did any of these ideas speak to you? I personally LOVE a banquette, these drawers for napkins and linen storage spoke to me.